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Schenna Resort
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Top class cuisine in the mountains and valleys

The Hiking Area of Schenna – From Vineyards to Mountain Peaks

Hiking reveals the South Tyrolean mountains in their most beautiful form, impressing us with their natural beauty and diversity. Whether you stroll through blooming apple orchards and vineyards in spring, set off for airy mountain peaks in summer, or enjoy the colorful play of the forests and vineyards in autumn, the approximately 224 km of hiking trails at all elevations, numerous refreshment stops, and the well-developed public transport network with buses and cable cars make a hiking excursion around the Schenna Resort a pleasure for all types of hikers.

Culinary Delights at All Elevations

Distant views over the valley and hearty delicacies in the fresh mountain air await hikers at the many mountain inns and huts in Schenna. Here, enjoyment knows no altitude, as the hut hosts surprise hikers at all elevations with culinary delights that taste even better at higher altitudes. Rural recipes made from local ingredients like bacon, milk, eggs, vegetables, and herbs are creatively refined and share the menu with Italian specialties. Delicious dumpling variations, robust cheese, spicy bacon, and a tasty Kaiserschmarrn with applesauce or cranberry jam are a must for any mountain outing. In addition to these classics, Mediterranean antipasti, grilled meat specialties, and creative pasta dishes are also served. Accompanying these dishes, you can enjoy one of our South Tyrolean wines or a homemade raspberry or elderberry juice. Enjoy the tranquility and let your gaze wander into the distance. From the sun terraces of the huts in Schenna, the view opens up to the valley and the mighty surrounding mountain ranges.

Our Tip - Tallner Sunntig

On the first Sunday of each month from May to October, the traditional "Tallner Sunntige" takes place. The hut hosts of the Hirzer area invite you with special delicacies and lively music. On this day, the local cable cars also offer special discounts.

Unforgettable Destinations – The most beautiful huts and alms in the Schenna Hiking Area

  • Gsteier
  • Hintereggalm
  • Hirzerhütte
  • Ifingerhütte
  • Mahdalm
  • Resegger Alm
  • Schnugger
  • Stafell Alm
  • Streitweide
  • Taser Alm
  • Waalerhütte
  • Zmailerhof